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Let's Register Your Free LLC

Customize support, from DIY to expert guidance, securing your business foundation. 

Join the millions who trust FindLaw for their legal needs and who launched their businesses with our partner LegalZoom. 

retail business

File Your LLC Today. 

Get A Free One In Minutes!

Starts at $0 + state filing fees.

LegalZoom, The #1 choice for online LLC filings for a reason. They deal with state and local agencies for you by filing your LLC directly with them. 

Getting an LLC registration

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Let's Register Your Free LLC

Create your LLC Online

Articles of organization, the document needed to officially register your LLC with the state 

Name check service, to confirm that your preferred business name is available 

Digital welcome packet, which includes a step-by-step checklist to follow after your LLC is officially registered 

Customizable website, to establish your professional online presence in minutes—powered by WIX

Basic LLC


Form my LLC for free

$0 + state filing fees 

I only need what it takes to make my business official.


Hands-on guidance from an experienced business attorney that you choose based on state, years of experience, and rating

Unlimited 30-minute attorney consultations about new legal topics related to your business (first 30 days of subscription included) 

Any changes to your LLC formation documents within the first 30 days

Premium LLC

Form my LLC


$299 + state filing fees 

I want an experienced attorney to ensure I form my business right.

Includes Pro package, plus:

Form your LLC with confidence

An operating agreement, which helps you set entity guidelines and settle disputes 

An EIN, which is used to file taxes, open bank accounts, and build your staff

Access to over 150 customizable legal documents and unlimited eSignatures for one year

Initial phone consultations with specialists about business insurance and taxes 



Form my LLC

$249 + state filing fees 

I need all the essentials to help me operate in a compliant way.

Includes Basic package, plus:

How to start an LLC

To form an LLC, you'll need to file articles of organization with the state. Each state has its own rules, but our experience across all states helps us keep things moving when we file on your behalf. See LegalZoom's sample documents

Here are a few things you'll need to keep in mind to get your LLC up and running.

Ready to get started?

Choose my Package